Friday, 26 November 2010

BIRC 2010 Video Highlights

The end of my BIRC 2010 race. Although I throw down the handle at the end of the race, on reflection I am pleased with the time and it is a fair reflection of where I could expect to be given the amount of training I had time to do.

Need to work on my technique and strength now...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Andrew,

    I noticed from your blog you are a keen indoor rower (I wonder what gave me that idea?). Would you like to join an indoor rowing team? I am captain of a virtual rowing team called Empty the Tanks. There are about 80 - 90 members from a round the world who use the Concept 2 online logbook to record metres and contribute to team competitions.
    Its a great way to get motivated with exercise with a friendly bunch of indoor rowers who regularly leave comments on my blog:

    We are currently ranked 13th out of 1104 world-wide indoor rowing teams and are gearing up for the Fall Team Challenge which starts on the 15th September - 15th October 2011.
    For the past three years we have also competed at various indoor rowing competitions around the country (British IRC, English IRC and World IRC) where we have had a chance to meet up with our fellow team mates and encourage each other to improve our 2k times.

    If you would like to join the team follow the instructions on my blog. You will need to create an online logbook via the C2 website if you haven't already registered.

    Happy rowing,

